Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Evan and Sarah got married! (in case you hadn't heard yet)

Evan married Sarah last March in a beautiful ceremony followed by a lovely dinner and an evening of fun and dancing. Lots of family were able to attend. I took literally hundreds of pictures, but can only put 50 into a slide show so I tried to get everyone and choose the pictures that were mostly our family. If you want to see more let me know.

Congratulations Evan and Sarah!
(ps after watching the video on the blog I wanted to clarify one thing... I did not cut out all the people in the right side of the photos... sorry if you or your children got cut in half. It's just something blogger does to make the slideshow work. The real pictures look fine.)

Syd Riggs Scholarship Showcase

So, I had sort of given up on the whole family blog because I was tired of being the only one posting. However, Karen has called me to repentance and so I am going to try and go back and fill in the things I have missed... because I have some good ones. Like this:

Back in February Zack, Jaremy, Chris and I had the opportunity to perform in a Scholarship Showcase in honor of Syd Riggs, who played a very big part in all of our loves and passed away about 4 years ago. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that it was a blast to be working on a project together again. I loved being choreographed by Jaremy and standing on stage side-by-side with the 3 of them. Most of you got to see the show and it was great to have your support. It was an exhausting, whirlwind week but worth it to work together with each other as well as reunite with other performers we've worked with in the past.
Chris was able to reprise his roles of Archie in Secret Garden and Jean Valjean in Les Mis. 
Two of his favorite and most memorable roles.
Jaremy and Zack rocked it in almost every number... 
hey were definitely the stars of the show.
I was in a bunch of group numbers and loved dancing again... 
even though it felt incredibly awkward!
Love these people and so fun to be on stage with them all again. 
Hopefully we can all participate again next year!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Birthday Celebrations and Family Night- all rolled in to one!

This Sunday is the last Sunday of the month, which means it is Higbee Family Home Evening. Yeah!! Remember we decided to do this the last Sunday of each month to have an opportunity to visit, enjoy each other's company, do any planning, and celebrate birthdays. SHould be a fun tradition.

So- we will be celebrating Leisa, Afton, Max, Greg, Chris and Josh (and thinking of and missing Tericia, Mike, Tyler, Nathan and Traci- wish you all could be here). 

When: Sunday evening at 6:30
Where: Mom and Dad's
Assignments: cake- Mom and Katie
Ice cream and paper goods- Jolie and Karen
Call Mom if you have any questions.

Make sure you are there! It won't be the same without you!!

(PS. if you get this as an email you are the ONLY ONE in your family who gets it. PLEASE FORWARD it on to your spouse and adult children so everyone will have the information).

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Saratoga Springs Stake Conference

I just thought I would give a few of my thoughts about our Stake Conference for all of you who were not able to make it. For those of you in the area I hope that you will add something also. I would also love to read some of the things from those of you not in our stake, Mike, Rich, Tericia & all of Tericia's adult Children.

I love the Saturday night adult session. There was a great controversy because it was right in the middle of the BYU game. When I told Mike that BYU would probably loose if he didn't go little did I understand the real blessing. It was that he didn't have to sit through one of the most frustrating and heartbreaking loses that BYU has had. If you saw the score or watched the game you understand that BYU unfortunately doesn't win because we attend our church meetings. Also it was a fantastic meeting. President Dortch gave one of the best talks that I have ever heard. He spoke on "Self Esteem" and how stupid a concept that it is. He read in the scriptures about the "nothingness of man." If you know the exact scripture would you please let me know. How we are all zero's. That we are only of worth if we attach ourselves to the one. That makes us a 10 and when we marry and attach our other zero that makes us a 100 ad so on. I loved it!

President Server showed footage of the documentary about the LDS man that was on the 80th floor of one of the Twin Towers when it was hit 8 years ago on 9/11. I loved that the lesson that he learned was that it is not about commuting 2 hours each way so that he could provide the best of everything for his family. I loved that the lesson he learned was that the only thing that was important was his family. Here is the link to the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtx82FRsaQA. It was awesome.

President Wilkinson's talk was about "The Father" was so profound. I love to hear him bear witness of his love of our Heavenly Father. He was so emotional about how much our Heavenly Father loves us that I too felt his love. When we left the meeting on Saturday night and found out how badly BYU got beat Mike was so glad that he didn't have to watch it after all. See there are blessings in going to Stake Conference that we don't even know we need.

The people that bore their testimonies on the spot absoulutely amazed me! I can't imagine being called up to bear my testimony in Stake Conference. They were beautiful and touching.

Sunday was also very good. I really loved hearing from the youth speakers. One of them was an Eagle Scout that is the Student Body President at Willowcreek Middle School and the other was a friend of Katie's Janalyn Laciente. They spoke on making choices. I think that there are some youth that have everything handed to them and feel like that they are owed something and it was nice to hear from such humble and good kids that are trying to do things that their Heavenly Father would have them do.

I think that the most touching talk was the one that Sharon Mardisech gave. She was released as Stake Young Women's President. Sharon is a softer and kinder person then when I first met her. It has been so beautiful to me to see the spirit at work in her life. She is my hero. I really have such a respect for her willingness to do what her Heavenly Father has asked her to do. Even send her child to Him, forgive others and be a force for good in other people's lives. Thanks for that Sharon!

I would love to hear what you loved about Stake Conference in your area or from your point of view.

I love you all and loved seeing so many of my family members there. I think of you often and you are in my prayers always-


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Upcoming Yard Sale Saturday September 19 8:00-1:00

Hi Everyone! The Parents of the Lehi Pionettes are having fundraiser Yard Sale on Saturday. There will be lots of good stuff. I have about 20 bags of things I am taking personally. If you are needing good used and new clothes, furniture, jewelery, ect... come support us on Saturday. The address is 876 W 1500 N Lehi behind the Chevron on State Street right in front of Utah Wilbur Vault. Hope to see you there!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Braxton Kai Fitzgerald

This was emailed from Tericia, who got it from Evan. 
Isn't he a cutie?!?
Congratulations Evan and Sarah!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Alec's Team gets their fist Win!!!!

Alec is the on the West Lake 5th grade B team. He has played football for 3 years. When they had tryouts this year the league decided to have a 5th grade A and B team. Alec was really sad and disappointed that he didn't make the A team. He LOVES football! He has such a big heart and such a great team spirit. He is supportive of his team mates and his coach. That is why his coach made him the team captain. He plays the center on offense. A line backer on defense and plays blocker on special teams. He is the first to congratulate someone for a good play and to commiserate when something doesn't go so well and to cheer up his team. His team has worked really hard and has improved every game. They finally won! With a lot of hard work and perseverance from this B team they won a really good Lehi team. The A team hasn't won a game! Way to go Alec!

Alec sets up a block for his Quarterback to run through.
Alec waits on the side to go back into the game and to cheer his team on!

Alec is all game on game day! No time for pictures mom!

The 2 boys that scored the touchdowns! Number 15, Trey Morris and number 83 Lance Walker. Lance is the Quarterback that Alec blocked for to make the first touchdown.

Katie & Alec's First Day of School

Katie and Alec started their first day of school on August 25th. Two days later than everyone else because we went to the Beach house the first two days of school. Katie is a Senior at Lehi High School. She is an officer on the Drill Team, a choreographer on the Dance Company and a 4.0 student since 9th grade. I can't believe she is a senior. I wasn't able to get a picture of her in her first day school outfit because she left at 5:30 in the morning looking pretty much like she looks in this picture. Drill team starts at 6:00 am so she gets dressed at school and then she has Dance company last period so she gets back in her dance clothes. When she comes home she is either working on homework like on the first day of school or involved with the Special Needs Mutual which she serves as a councilor.
Alec is in the 5th grade at Saratoga Shore Elementary. He has an awesome teacher, Mrs. Hacking. He says that he is pretty much the most popular kid in school because everyone knows who he is. He says that it's because of me. I substituted or worked in the developmental Preschool for 5 years before I went to work with Jolie at BYU. I am almost finished and will be excited to go back and substitute while I am in school. I have loved being with Alec at his awesome school. I think I am the most popular sub because of Alec!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Coleman's first birthday!

Can you believe he is already ONE?!?
Read my post about it over on my blog
And remember to come celebrate with us 
this Sunday evening at 6:30 at our house!

Plain Art Festival at Thanksgiving Point

Grandma has been painting in the Thanksgiving Point Garden the past few days and is entering a piece of her work painted in the garden on Saturday at Water Tower Plaza in Thanksgiving Point between 10 am and 5 pm. Come and see what she has done.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Chocolate Zucchini Cake

I found the most amazing recipie. It's a great way to get your kids to eat their green vegetables!! I got it from my good friend Jana Harris. She is pretty much the Country Martha Stewart. You should give it a try. It's really to die for and it has vegetables in it!

Jana Harris Chocolate Zucchini Cake

1 3/4 Cup of sugar
1/2 Cup of Cocoa
2 eggs
2 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
2 tsp. vanilla
1/2 Cup buttermilk
1/2 Cup butter (softened)
1/2 Cup oil (I use Canola oil)
1/2 Cup grated zucchini
2 1/2 Cups of flour

Combine butter, sugar, cocoa and eggs-blend well. Then add remaining ingredients. I usually add the zucchini last so it doesn't get tangled in my mixer.

Pour into a greased 9X13 in. pan (I use Pam). Sprinkle top with brown sugar (the recipie calls for 3/4 Cup but I never measure). Then add milk chocolate chips (again the recipie calls for 3/4 cup but you can never have too much of a good thing so I don't measure. I use 1 small bag of Giradelli milk chocolate chips) before baking.

Bake at 350 degrees for 40-45 min.

Enjoy! I know we have.

Way to go Katie!

Picture taken by Katie Higbee
Katie is a busy girl! She is on Lehi's Drill team and serves as an officer. She is also on the Dance Company and is a coreographer. She is coreographing a dance to take to the High School competition at the Shakespear Festival in Cedar City on October 8th. Katie went and Auditioned for the renound dance company Rire Woodbury Dance Company and made their Jr. company that consists of 25 High School Seniors and she made it!! She drove to Salt Lake and did the audition all by herself. She has a gpa of 4.0. Most important this year Katie is serving a service mission for our Stake by being a youth councilor for the Special Needs Mutual. The Special Needs Mutual is a Mutual that serves young teens and adults that have a physical or mental disability. This call is only extended to exemplary youth that have good attendence at church and Seminary. We are so amazed by her and love her so much! Way to go Katie!!!

Why we don't Post on the Family blog.

Why aren't the rest of you posting on the family blog. If you are a Higbee, were once a Higbee, are related to someone that is a Higbee then you should be posting on this blog. I have come up with a theory of why some of you are not posting.
  1. You think that you have already told Mom & Dad and that they should tell us. Well in rebuttle to you all, Mom & Dad have lost short term memory and usually what you say is lost in the translation.
  2. You don't think you have anything to say. We do not have a language problem in this family! Have you been to a family gathering? WE all have TOO much to say. This is the place to do it.
  3. You think it is too hard. I can do it! Enough said.
  4. You can't find time. I know how long it takes to post. It's about 2 minutes tops unless you are writing a dissertation like me right now. I don't have anything else to do except blog (I'm at work with nothing to do and an hour left to go).
In closing, I miss you and your kids. I would like to see more of them. If you won't do it for them, won't do it for the family do it for me your poor lonely sister. My husband is gone, my kids are busy and I miss my brothers and sisters. I would like to see someone posting every day. It can be anything, an uploaded video a comment, a picture or a dissertation on the finer points of keeping a family blog.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I had the opportunity to be in charge of a booth at the Utah County Fair for the McKay School of Education. I had a lot of support and help from the PR department, students and other Vista's. There is an article about it on the McKay School of Education home page. Take a look http://education.byu.edu/news/news583.html .