Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Syd Riggs Scholarship Showcase

So, I had sort of given up on the whole family blog because I was tired of being the only one posting. However, Karen has called me to repentance and so I am going to try and go back and fill in the things I have missed... because I have some good ones. Like this:

Back in February Zack, Jaremy, Chris and I had the opportunity to perform in a Scholarship Showcase in honor of Syd Riggs, who played a very big part in all of our loves and passed away about 4 years ago. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that it was a blast to be working on a project together again. I loved being choreographed by Jaremy and standing on stage side-by-side with the 3 of them. Most of you got to see the show and it was great to have your support. It was an exhausting, whirlwind week but worth it to work together with each other as well as reunite with other performers we've worked with in the past.
Chris was able to reprise his roles of Archie in Secret Garden and Jean Valjean in Les Mis. 
Two of his favorite and most memorable roles.
Jaremy and Zack rocked it in almost every number... 
hey were definitely the stars of the show.
I was in a bunch of group numbers and loved dancing again... 
even though it felt incredibly awkward!
Love these people and so fun to be on stage with them all again. 
Hopefully we can all participate again next year!

1 comment:

Grandpa and Grandma Higbee said...

It was good to see the pictures and to remember Syd and all of the family who particpated in the program honoring her and providing resources for worthy repients of the scholarship given in Syd's honor. Thank you Katie.