Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Why we don't Post on the Family blog.

Why aren't the rest of you posting on the family blog. If you are a Higbee, were once a Higbee, are related to someone that is a Higbee then you should be posting on this blog. I have come up with a theory of why some of you are not posting.
  1. You think that you have already told Mom & Dad and that they should tell us. Well in rebuttle to you all, Mom & Dad have lost short term memory and usually what you say is lost in the translation.
  2. You don't think you have anything to say. We do not have a language problem in this family! Have you been to a family gathering? WE all have TOO much to say. This is the place to do it.
  3. You think it is too hard. I can do it! Enough said.
  4. You can't find time. I know how long it takes to post. It's about 2 minutes tops unless you are writing a dissertation like me right now. I don't have anything else to do except blog (I'm at work with nothing to do and an hour left to go).
In closing, I miss you and your kids. I would like to see more of them. If you won't do it for them, won't do it for the family do it for me your poor lonely sister. My husband is gone, my kids are busy and I miss my brothers and sisters. I would like to see someone posting every day. It can be anything, an uploaded video a comment, a picture or a dissertation on the finer points of keeping a family blog.


Katie said...

Here, Here. I haven't posted forever because I hated being the only person doing it. I will definitely do better... maybe I'll go post something RIGHT NOW!!

Katie said...

I think each family should make a goal to post once a week... even if you don't think you have anything exciting to post... even if you don't have pictures to go along with it. Just an update of how things are going in your neck of the woods. I know I am really interested in hearing how everyone is doing.

Grandpa and Grandma Higbee said...

Thanks for the encouragement. We will try to do better.

dina marie said...

Hi Higbee family! Just checking in to say hello. I check the blog every once in awhile and I love to see everyone's families. Well... those of you who post. Right, Karen? :) Love to you all.

Dina Darger Gardner